2021 February Admission Results Released!
Develop. Grow. Succeed.
In addition to the admission results announced in January, we have heard even more exciting admission news from students who have attended our programs. Here is an overview (School Name - Number of students accepted) :
Columbia University - 6
New York University - 5
Cornell University - 5
Rice University - 4
Johns Hopkins University - 3
University of Chicago - 2
Duke University - 2
Yale University - 1
Washington University St. Louis - 1
University of Toronto -1
University of Sydney - 1
University of Southern California - 1
University of Southhampton - 1
University of Michigan Ann Arbor - 1
University of Glasgow - 1
University of California, San Diego - 1
University of Adelaide - 1
University of College London - 1
The University of Hong Kong - 1
Syracuse University - 1
Stanford University - 1
Oxford University - 1
Imperial College London - 1
Emory University - 1
Carneige Mellon University - 1